International Students
Admission Kit (Application, Contacts, Tuition Fees)
Entry Requirements:
upload: Admission Conditions.pdf
Application Form For Admission:
upload: Application Form
Some Rules of Admission:
upload: Some Rules of Admission.pdf
Draft contract on provision of educational services to a foreign citizen:
upload: Draft contract on provision of educational services to a foreign citizen.pdf
Bachelor Degree Programmes
Educational Professional Programme
upload: Educational Professional Programme ”Easel and monumental painting”.pdf
Subdepartment Graphic Design:
upload: Professional Programme of Design Subdepartment Graphic Design.pdf
Educational Professional Programme “Drawing”
upload: Educational Professional Programme “Drawing”.pdf
Educational Professional Programme “Scenography and Film Scenography”
upload: Educational Professional Programme Scenography and Film Scenography.pdf
Educational and professional program “Restoration of sculpture and works of decorative and applied art “
upload: Educational and professional program ”Restoration of sculpture and works of decorative and applied art”.pdf
Master Degree Programmes
Educational and professional programm “Easel and monumental painting”
upload: Educational and professional programm “Easel and monumental painting”.pdf
Educational Professional Programme “Drawing”
upload: Educational Professional Programm “Drawing”.pdf
Educational and scientific program “Restoration of sculpture and works of decorative-applied art”
upload: Educational and scientific programm ”Restoration of sculpture and works of decorative-applied art”.pdf
Regulations on preparatory courses
Regulations on preparatory courses for Chinese students at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture
乌克兰国立美术与建筑学院 关于面向中国留学生设置预科课程的说明
Правила та розклади для іноземних громадян
Правила прийому іноземців та осіб без громадянства на навчання в НАОМА у 2024 р.
Розклад вступних іспитів для іноземних громадян
Графік консультацій для іноземних громадян
Working hours
Mon. – Fri. – 9am – 6pm