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Відділ Міжнародних зв’язків та інформації спільно із Інститутом міжнародної освіти в Україні організовує он-лайн презентацію можливостей програми Fulbright 10 березня о 16:00.

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Окрім виступу очільників від організації Fulbright Джессики Зихович та Інни Бариш, отримаємо інформаціюю від активних учасників програми обміну Докторки Мейхіл С. Фаулер (США) та Катерини Яковенко (Україна).

Нижче, можете ознайомитись з спікерками детальніше:

Dr. Mayhill C. Fowler was a Fulbright Scholar to Ukraine 2019-2020 and is an affiliated researcher with the Center for Urban History in Lviv and a member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in New York. Dr. Fowler is a historian and associate professor in the Department of History at Stetson University, where she also directs the Program in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies. She holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University (2011). She was a Mihaychuk Fellow at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (2012) and the Petro Jacyk Fellow at the
University of Toronto (2012-2013). Her first book, Beau Monde on Empire's Edge: State and Stage in Soviet Ukraine (Toronto, 2017; finalist for Ivan Franko Prize in 2020), tells the story of the making of theater both Soviet and Ukrainian through a collective biography of young artists and officials in the 1920s and 1930s. Her
book project, Comrade Actress: Soviet Ukrainian Women on the Stage and Behind the Scenes, re-thinks theater in Ukraine over the long 20 th century through a focus on its women. A second research project War Stories: Theater on the Frontlines of Socialism investigates how societies explain war and entertain soldiers through the
story of PrykVO, the former Soviet Army Theater in Lviv. She has published widely on all aspects of theater and culture in Ukraine, most recently in Slavic Review and Ukraina Moderna. She holds a master’s degree in Acting (MFA) from the National Theater Conservatory (2000) and a BA in Slavic Languages from Yale University (1996).

Kateryna Iakovlenko is a current Ukrainian Fulbright FRDP Fellow based at the U.S. Shevchenko Society in New York, NY. She is a contemporary art researcher, critic, and journalist. She received an MA in journalism and social communication from Donetsk National University. For six years she has been researching the transformation of the heroic narrative of Donbas through new media as a postgraduate thesis at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. For more than seven years she has been writing about art and culture in various Ukrainian and European media. She worked as deputy web editor at The Day newspaper (2013-2014), as curator of the Donbas Studies Research Project at the IZOLYATSIA: Platform for Cultural Initiatives (2014-2015), and as researcher and public program curator at the PinchukArtCentre (2015-2021). Her current research interest touches on the subject of art during political transformations and war and explores gender optics in visual culture. She is editor of the books Gender Studies by Donbas Studies Research Project (2015), Why There Are Great Women Artists in Ukrainian Art (2019), and a co-editor of a special issue of Obieg magazine titled Euphoria and Fatigue: Ukrainian Art and Society after 2014 (2020), and Curatorial Handbook (2020). Presently, she is a Fulbright Research Fellow at the
Scientific Shevchenko Society in the USA.